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Ferret Court

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I'm looking at swapping my ferrets from hutches to a court, for a couple of reasons, mostly because i'm sick of cleaning hutches, which has become a pain in the arse, and aren't staying as clean as i'd like :blink: . Im thinking of doing out a 6x4 shed with a shelf to bring the floor area to the equivalant of thier current hutches. I'm looking to see what you guys have done to your courts to help keep them clean, tidy and fresh...? and other modifications you have made which make them more ferret friendly...?



BorderBoy... :D

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check out kays post below for some ideas of courts:


in your court you might want to add


Woodshaving for the floor a few inches should do.

a nest box for the ferrets to sleep in with old jumper or hay to sleep on and keep them warm

toys such a tubing to round around in and old wellies or something

logs, some ferrets love it.

hidey hole kinda things for them to hide in.like an upside down bucket with a hole in the side or something

use ladders for differrent floors so they can climb up


hope that helped out a bit



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I'm looking at swapping my ferrets from hutches to a court, for a couple of reasons, mostly because i'm sick of cleaning hutches, which has become a pain in the arse, and aren't staying as clean as i'd like :blink: . Im thinking of doing out a 6x4 shed with a shelf to bring the floor area to the equivalant of thier current hutches. I'm looking to see what you guys have done to your courts to help keep them clean, tidy and fresh...? and other modifications you have made which make them more ferret friendly...?



BorderBoy... :D


sick of cleaning hutches, so swopping for a court= much more cleaning, your ferts are still going to leave as much muck, just your have a bigger area, so it wont look as bad, but it will still need the same amount of cleaning, if not more

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I'm looking at swapping my ferrets from hutches to a court, for a couple of reasons, mostly because i'm sick of cleaning hutches, which has become a pain in the arse, and aren't staying as clean as i'd like :blink: . Im thinking of doing out a 6x4 shed with a shelf to bring the floor area to the equivalant of thier current hutches. I'm looking to see what you guys have done to your courts to help keep them clean, tidy and fresh...? and other modifications you have made which make them more ferret friendly...?



BorderBoy... :D


sick of cleaning hutches, so swopping for a court= much more cleaning, your ferts are still going to leave as much muck, just your have a bigger area, so it wont look as bad, but it will still need the same amount of cleaning, if not more


I'm happy to do "more" cleaning I would just like to make it easier to do. Im sure scooping out couple of corners of muck once a day, and a proper clean when it needs it, in a nice big shed that i can easily get into will be quicker and easier, for me, than scooping shite out of seemingly every corner of a hutch on my knees, and trying to wash them out and generally making more mess outside the hutches which needs clearing up as well.... Cleaning isnt the only reason...




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I'm looking at swapping my ferrets from hutches to a court, for a couple of reasons, mostly because i'm sick of cleaning hutches, which has become a pain in the arse, and aren't staying as clean as i'd like :blink: . Im thinking of doing out a 6x4 shed with a shelf to bring the floor area to the equivalant of thier current hutches. I'm looking to see what you guys have done to your courts to help keep them clean, tidy and fresh...? and other modifications you have made which make them more ferret friendly...?



BorderBoy... :D


sick of cleaning hutches, so swopping for a court= much more cleaning, your ferts are still going to leave as much muck, just your have a bigger area, so it wont look as bad, but it will still need the same amount of cleaning, if not more


I'm happy to do "more" cleaning I would just like to make it easier to do. Im sure scooping out couple of corners of muck once a day, and a proper clean when it needs it, in a nice big shed that i can easily get into will be quicker and easier, for me, than scooping shite out of seemingly every corner of a hutch on my knees, and trying to wash them out and generally making more mess outside the hutches which needs clearing up as well.... Cleaning isnt the only reason...









good answer bb :thumbs:

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